Grading Eligibility Requirements:
- The Commission will endorse a 1st Dan grading if sufficient supporting evidence is presented, if not, the candidate will be required to be retested.
- All candidates applying for grading must complete the appropriate application form which must be accompanied by the required grading fee.
- For 3rd ,4th , 5th and 6th Dan grading, applications must be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae of the candidate including a relevant motivation.
- Candidates applying for a promotion grading must present him/herself to the grading panel for a grading to be done according to a prescribed syllabus.
Grading Fees
Verification Fees
Grading and Verification Fees must be deposited into the Bank Account: at least ten days prior to the date of the grading. The application form (enclosed), together with a copy of the deposit slip of the grading /verification fees, two passport size pictures and a copy of the candidates last rank certificate must reach the Grading Commission Secretary at least 7 days prior to the grading. The copy of the deposit slip must clearly state the following information.
- Name of the Candidate
- Name of the Dojo to which the candidate is affiliated.
- Amount deposited.
It is recommended that the required documentation be forwarded by registered mail in order to ensure that the Grading Commission receives the information.
Address applications to:
The Grading Commission, Shihan Hoosain Narker, P.O. Box 117, Retreat, 7965. Email:
Should you require any further information regarding the Grading process, feel free to contact:
HOOSAIN NARKER - - 021 7011701 or